Do it for the people who want to see you fail
Every scar I have makes me who I am
Never Give up 2
Never give up
You are Enough
Think Big trust yourself and Make it Happen
You can't live a positive life with negative thoughts
You vs You
Judge me when you're perfect
Push your limits
Push your limits everyday
THe pain you feel today is strength you feel tomorrow
Focus on progress Not perfection
Be You Do You For You
KEEP F Going
Every second counts
I am who I am your approval is not needed
Prove them Wrong
Reach out Don't suffer in silence you are never alone in your struggle
Win the war you tell nobody about
Don't face your demons alone
Fight for your future
Nope not today2
Be the Reason they don't quit
Nope not today
Fear does not stop death it stops life
Your only limit is you
The fear we don't face becomes our limits
I Can't is a limitation you put on yourself
Don't look back
Don't Look Back you're not going that way
I'm Broken
I'M brOKen
Believe in yourself
BElieve in YOUrself
Because easy doesn't change you
When you feel like stopping think why you started
Don't be a prisoner to your past
Behind every strong person there is a story that gave them no choice
Invisible wounds should not mean a silent struggle
Fear is a Liar
My head is a very dark place
Keep Going2
Don't follow me You won't make it
Keep Going
No Days Off
Fuck your Excuse
Don't underestimate me, I know more than I say, Think more than I speak
For those I love I will do great and terrible things
Excuses don't get results
Die with Memories not Dreams
Loyal to a fault
Mindset is Everything
All we have is now
Hard Work over Hope
Forgive to forget
Beat Yesterday
Everyday is a second chance
Look in the mirror that's your competition
Success is not for the lazy
Get shIT done
Sometimes you win Sometimes you learn
Chase Dreams not Approval
Without Struggle there can be no progress
Never underestimate your impact and influence on someone else be their reason
Outwork your talent
Nothing can stop me